Privacy Policy




You are welcome to use our products and services! Your trust is very important to us. We know very well the importance of personal information to you. We will, in accordance with laws and regulations, and to the best of our ability, take corresponding security measures to protect your personal information. The ownership of the following privacy policy content belongs to:Zhejiang ShiningHub Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: We or TradeAider)


It should be noted that this policy does not apply to the services provided by other third parties, and the third party services shall be subject to their privacy policies that have been separately explained to you.


Before using our products or services, please read carefully and understand this Privacy Policy, especially the terms in bold, to help you understand how to maintain your privacy. Do not use our products or services before you have fully understood and agreed to the terms. Please be noted that important terms of this Policy which are (may be) closely related to your interests have been specifically reminded with clear marks for your reading. If you have any doubt about this Privacy Policy, you may suspend using it and contact us through the contact information we provide. When you use our services, you are deemed to have agreed that we may collect, process, store, use and protect your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


We will explain the terms involved in this policy in a concise and common expression to facilitate your understanding. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this policy, you can write to


Your consent to the privacy policy means that you have understood the functions provided by the app and the necessary personal information required for the functions, and have given the corresponding authorization to collect and use it. But it does not mean that you have separately agreed to enable additional functions and process non-essential personal information. For enabling additional functions, processing non-essential and sensitive personal information, we will separately ask for your permission in advance based on your actual usage.


This Privacy Policy section will help you learn:



  1. Information We Collect and How We Use It

3.How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies

4.How We Share, Transfer and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information

5.How We Protect Your Personal Information

6.How You Manage Your Personal Information

7.Childrens Privacy

8.How Your Information Is Stored

9.How This Privacy Policy Will Be Updated



  1. Scope


This policy applies to the products or services we provide, including the TradeAider website, mobile phone application, WeChat mini program, H5, and other services provided to you in new forms with the development of technology. If you use all or part use TradeAider’s services (such as logging in with a TradeAider account) when you accept the products or services provided by our affiliates and partners, but there is no independent legal statement and privacy policy, this policy also applies to all or part of the services offered by TradeAider.


It should be noted that, except for the relevant information collection and usage described in this policy, this policy does not apply to the services provided by other third parties ("other third parties", including but not limited to your transaction counter party, any third party websites and third party service providers).



2.Information We Collect and How We Use It



We will retain the information on the services you use and the way you use them to improve the quality of services and user experience.


(1)  Personal information you provide actively during our provision of products and/or services to you

We need to collect your information to realize the this app's business functions. The following detailed Info you actively provide during our provision of products and/or services is the Info required to be collected for realizing the basic business functions and corresponding function of this app. If you refuse to provide such Info, the business function cannot be used. Please note that if you provide Info of others, please make sure that you have obtained the authorization from the relevant subject.


  1. Membership services: to register as a member and use our membership services, you need to provide email address, country, name, company name, mobile phone number, inquiry information and other information. If you only need to use browsing and search services, you do not need to register as our member and provide the above Pl. Such Pl is collected to implement the service terms of TradeAider App and provide you with the services we promise, so that potential partners or our staff can contact you in a timely manner to facilitate trade cooperation or solve possible problems.


  1. Company and product information: You need to provide your company name, your or company contact information so that potential partners or our staff can get in touch with you in time to facilitate trade cooperation opportunities, or solve possible problems.


  1. Customer services: When you contact us, we may record your conversations with us and collect other necessary personal information for resolving the problem in order to verify your identity and help you resolve the problem.


  1. Picture/document access and uploading function: you can use picture tools to normally upload pictures to the material library, and release/reply to the inquiry/RFQ by quickly selecting the attached inquiry/RFQ function.


  1. Location: When you use TradeAider, some functions such as blockchain certificate storage or searching in particular area may require location permissions. At this time, we need to access the location of your device to use these functions.We will ask for your consent in the form of a pop-up notification when you use the functions for the first time. If you refuse to authorize location permission, you will not be able to use the blockchain location certificate, area search and other functions, but it will not affect the use of other functions.



The authority to access your device that might be activated to realize the relevant business functions is set out below on a one-by-case basis:


Business Scene


Authority to Access the Device



Send an inquiry to the manufacturer

Authority to access photo albums, authority to access the camera, uploading attachments, and camera authority

Publish procurement requirements

Authority to access photo albums, authority to access the camera, uploading attachments, and camera authority

Reply to a manufacturer's e-mail

Authority to access photo albums, authority to access the camera, uploading attachments, and camera authority

Chat with a manufacturer


Authority to access photo albums, save-to-album function, authority to access the camera, uploading attachments, downloading attachments, camera authority, and microphone authority

Message push

Send an inquiry reminder, procurement requirements reminder, message reminder of TradeMessenger

Activate push authority Read the status of the mobile phone and identity

System notification and subscription




(2) Personal information we collect and use actively during our provision of products and/or services to you


During your use of our services, in order to identify abnormal account status, understand product suitability, and provide you with page display and search results that better meet your needs, we may automatically collect your usage and store it as web log information. include:


  1. Device Information: We will receive and record, according to the specific operations during your installation and/or use of software, information about the device you are using (including but not limited to the device model, version of the operating system, device settings, unique device identifier, device environment, mobile application list, IP address and operator information) and information about the location of your device (including but not limited to the GPS location authorized by you).


  1. Service log information: During your use of the products or services provided by our website or at client, we will automatically collect the detailed information on how you use our services and will save it as a service log, including but not limited to information you browsed, contents you viewed, your transactions, contents you followed and shared, information you published, and your operations, time of operations and abnormality in the service log.


  1. Please note that the device information or the service log information cannot be used to identify a specific natural person when used alone. This type of non-personal information, when used by us in connection with other information to identify a specific natural person, or with other personal information, will be considered as personal information, and will be anonymized or de-identified by us, except as otherwise authorized by you or provided for by relevant laws and regulations.



(3) We obtain your info from a third party


We may collect and use your personal information from third parties (our partners) within the scope of your authorization or consent. We guarantee that your personal information is handled in strict accordance with the contracts with third parties and the relevant legal provisions. Meanwhile, please carefully read the privacy policy and user agreement of the third parties in detail. If you refuse the collection, use or communication by a third party of your personal information when the third party is providing services, you might not be able to use the corresponding services of this app .


(4)  Other purposes


We will use your personal information in compliance with legal provisions or according to your authorization in order to provide you with services, improve our service quality and optimize your service experience.


1.We may use your personal information to verify your identity and prevent, detect or investigate the acts that might have fraud, endanger security, are illegal or breach our or affiliates' agreements, policies or rules to protect the legitimate rights and interests of yours, other users, us or affiliates.


2.Let you participate in the survey of our products and services to improve your user experience and our service quality.


3.Other purposes agreed or authorized by you.



(5) Exceptions to authorization or consent


According to the relevant laws and regulations, we may collect and use some necessary personal information without your authorization or consent under the following circumstances:


  1. Where it is related to our compliance with the obligations under the laws and regulations;
  2. Where it is directly related to national security or defense security;
  3. Where it is directly related to public security, public health or major public interests;
  4. Where it is directly related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials and enforcement of court decisions;
  5. Where it is difficult to obtain your consent but the purpose is to protect your or other individuals' vital legitimate interests such as life and property;
  6. Where the personal information involved is disclosed to the public by you;
  7. Where it is necessary according to the long-term and cumulative contracts between you and us;
  8. Where your personal information is collected from legally and publicly disclosed information, such as legitimate news and reports, and government information disclosure channels;
  9. Where it is necessary for maintaining safe and stable operation of our products and/or services, such as identification or disposal of product or service failures;
  10. Other circumstances as provided for by laws and regulations.


3.How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies


Cookies and similar device information identification technologies are commonly used technologies on the Internet. When you use our Services, we may use related technologies to send one or more cookies to your device for any purpose other than those described in this Privacy Policy. We use cookies mainly to ensure the safe and efficient operation of our products and services, which enables us to confirm the security status of your account and transactions, troubleshoot abnormal situations related to crashes and delays, and save you from repeating the steps of filling out forms and entering search content. and process.


Most browsers provide users with the function of clearing browser cache data. You can perform corresponding data clearing operations, or modify the acceptance level of cookies or reject our cookies. You may not be able to use cookie-dependent services or corresponding functions due to these modifications.


4.How We Share, Transfer and Publicly Disclose Your Personal Information





We will not share your personal information with any companies, organizations or individuals, with the following exceptions:


1.Sharing in statutory circumstances: we might share your personal information externally according to laws and regulations, the needs for litigation or dispute resolution, or the requirements put forward by administrative and judicial organs under the law.


2.Sharing with explicit consent: we will share your personal information with other parties with your explicit consent.


3.Sharing based on your active choice: for the personal information that is publicized by you or we can obtain from other legally open channels, as well as the personal information you provide through this app, we will share the necessary personal information relating to the transaction in your order with the provider of the relevant products or services based on your choice, so as to achieve your needs for the transaction and after-sales services.


4.Sharing with affiliates: your personal information may be shared with our affiliates and/or service providers designated by them to facilitate our provision of products and services to you based on the account, identify the abnormalities in the membership account, and protect your personal property from infringement . We will only share necessary personal information and are bound by the purposes stated herein. In case that there is a need for us to share your sensitive personal information, or our affiliates need to alter the purpose or the way of processing your personal information, we will seek your authorization or consent again.


5.Sharing with authorized partners: in order to provide you with products and services that are perfect and of high-quality, certain services of this app will be provided by the partners. Therefore, we may entrust authorized partners to provide you with certain services or to perform our functions on behalf of us . We will only share your personal information for the lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes stated herein. The authorized partners may only have access to the personal information required for their performance of their duties, and may not use such personal information for any other purpose. We will not permit our partners to sub-transfer any personal information about a child.


At present, our authorized partners include the following types:


1)Partners providing advertisement monitoring, data statistics and data analysis services.


Without your permission, we will not share your identity information with our partners that provide advertising and analysis services. Our partners will help us process information related to advertising coverage and effectiveness, but we will not provide them with your identity information, or we will de-identify such information so that it does not identify you personally. The above partners may combine the above information with other data they have legally obtained to provide the advertising services or implement our decision-making.


2)Suppliers, service providers and other partners.


We will send information to suppliers, service providers and other partners who provide us with business support, including providing technical infrastructure services, hardware and software product services or system product services, analyzing how our services are used, evaluating the effectiveness of our advertising and services, providing customer services or payment facilities, conducting academic research and surveys, and providing third-party products that need to be accessed by logging in to this app and using services of authorized software or this app.


In the process of dealing with sensitive personal information, we will take technical measures to process the personal information, and disconnect your association with specific information such as your identity so as not to identify a specific individual. If you refuse to provide personal information that is necessary for our partners to provide services, you might not be able to use the services provided by the partners through this app.


(2)  Transfer


We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual except under the following circumstances:


1.Transfer with explicit consent: we will transfer your personal information to other parties with your explicit consent;


2.When the transfer of personal information is involved in a merger, acquisition, asset transfer, bankruptcy liquidation, or similar situation, we will require the new company or organization to which your personal information is transferred to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy; otherwise we will require the new company or organization to seek your authorization or consent again.


(3)  Public disclosure


1.Your personal information is an important part of our services for you. We will abide by the legal provisions to keep your personal information confidential. We will only publicly disclose your Info under the following circumstances:

2.After we obtain your explicit consent;Statutory disclosure: we might publicly disclose your personal information in situations where there are mandatory requirements from laws, legal procedures, litigation, or competent government departments.

3.Upon confirming your violation of laws or regulations or severe violation of relevant agreements or rules of this app, or for the purpose of protecting the personal and property safety of this app users or the public from damage, we may disclose your Info to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations or with your consent.

4.According to the legal provisions and reasonable commercial habits, when we plan to merge with other entities or be acquired or carry out other activities on the capital market (including IPO and bond issuance), and when we need to accept due diligence conducted by other subjects under other circumstances, we will provide your personal information for the necessary subjects, provided that we will sign a confidentiality agreement with such subjects, requiring them to take reasonable confidentiality measures for your personal information.

5.This app may disclose to the public and share with any third party in partnership with this app the big data analysis results being removed of personal identification data through statistical processing.



5.How We Protect Your Personal Information


(1)  In order to safeguard your personal information security, we will endeavor to protect your Info by using physical, electronic, and managing security measures in line with industry standards to prevent unauthorized access or damage to, or public disclosure, use, modification or loss of your personal information. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that no personal information irrelevant to the realization of services and functions is collected.


(2)  The personal information and materials about you collected by this app may be stored and processed at the location of our company and/or our affiliates, and may also be stored and processed at the information subjects who we deem necessary to know such information. We will delete your personal information after you de-register your account.

We will only retain your personal information for a period necessary for achieving the purposes described in this Policy, and delete or anonymously dispose of your personal information upon expiration of the above period, unless otherwise required laws and regulations.


(3)  Since the Internet is by no means an absolutely secure environment, we strongly recommend that you assist us in ensuring your account security by safe means and using complicated passwords.

When using this app's services, you will inevitably disclose your Info to the potential counter party. Please protect your Info properly and provide it for others only in the necessary circumstances. If you find a leakage of your Info, especially your account name or password, please contact our customer service immediately so that we can take appropriate measures.



6.How You Manage Your Personal Information


We attach great importance to your attention to Info and make every effort to protect your right to inquiry, correct and delete your Info, de-register an account, and withdraw your consent, so that you have sufficient capabilities to guarantee your privacy and security.


You can access and manage your Info by:


(1) Inquiring, correcting and supplementing your Personal Information


You have the right to inquiry, correct or supplement your Info. You can do so by yourself in the following ways:


You can view, modify and supplement your personal information in Personal Information-My Account after logging in to your account on the computer.


(2) Deleting your Info


    You may delete some of your Info by the ways specified in "5.1 Inquiring, correcting and supplementing your Info."


You can submit a request to delete your Info to us under the following circumstances:


1.If our processing of Info violates laws or regulations;


2.If we collected and used your Info without your consent;


3.If our processing of Info breaches our agreement with you;


4.If you no longer use our products or services or you have voluntarily canceled your account;


5.If we no longer provide you with products or services permanently.


When we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also inform entities obtaining your Info from us and ask them to delete the same without delay, unless otherwise provided for by laws and regulations, or such entities have obtained your independent authorization.


After relevant information has been deleted by you, with or without our help, we may not be able to delete the corresponding information from the backup system immediately due to the restriction of applicable laws or security technologies. We will retain your Info in a safe manner and further isolate it from other information till the backup can be deleted or anonymized .


(3) Changing the scope of your authorized consent


Each business function requires some basic personal information to be completed (see Part 1 of this policy). For the collection and use of additional collected personal information, you may give or withdraw your consent at any time. When you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of personal information from your previous authorization.


Please note that you are deemed to have authorized us to collect and use such Pl to realize the above functions by activating such authority, or have canceled such authorizations by closing such authority, in which case we will no longer collect and use your Pl or provide you with the functions corresponding to such authorizations.


(4) De-registering your account


You can contact TradeAider customer service, we will assist you in closing your account.


After you voluntarily de-register your account, we will stop providing you with products or services, delete your Pl according to applicable laws, or anonymize it.


(5) Restricting automated decision-making by information system


For some business functions, decisions are made solely based on an automated decision-making mechanism such as information system and algorithm. If these decisions significantly affect your legitimate rights and interests, you have the right to ask for our explanation and we will make proper remedies.


(6) Responding to your above-mentioned requests


For security, you might be required to submit written requests or prove your identity by other means. We might ask you to verify your identity before handling your requests.


In general, we will respond in 7 days We may reject requests that are not directly related to you, or unnecessarily repetitive or require massive technological input (such as developing new systems or modifying the existing practices fundamentally), or are detrimental to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are very impracticable.


We will not be able to respond to your request under the following circumstances:

1.Where it is related to national security or defense security;

2.Where it is related to public security, public health or major public interests;

3.Where it is related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials and enforcement of court decisions;

4.Where there is sufficient evidence that the Info subject is subjectively malicious or abuses his or her rights;

5.Where responding to your request will cause serious harm to your legitimate rights and interests, or those of other individuals or organizations;

6.Where trade secrets are involved.


7.Childrens Privacy


TradeAider's products, websites and services are mainly for adults, so we do not target minors (the age of minors is determined by the laws of your country and the cultural practices of each country and region), nor will we deliberately collect minors personal information. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us so that we will be able to do the necessary actions.



  1. How your information is stored


In principle, the personal information we collect and generate within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored within China. You understand and agree that because we provide products or services through resources and servers all over the world, this means that, under the premise of complying with applicable laws and regulations on cross-border transmission of personal information, it may be collected according to the actual needs of the company's operations. Your personal information is stored on servers in other countries/regions other than mainland China, and may provide some/all of your personal information to overseas affiliates and third parties outside mainland China that have a cooperative relationship with our affiliates.

Such jurisdictions may have different data protection laws or even no relevant laws. In such cases, we will ensure that your personal information is adequately and equally protected within the People's Republic of China.



  1. How This Privacy Policy Will Be Updated


In order to provide you with better services, our business may change from time to time, and this Privacy Policy will also be adjusted accordingly. We will not limit any of your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. We will release any change to this Privacy Policy on this page.


For major changes, we will provide a more conspicuous notice. For instance, we will issue an updated version on our TradeAider App client, or otherwise remind you about updates of relevant content. Please visit us to understand our latest privacy policy in a timely manner. In the foregoing case, by continuously using our services, you are deemed to have agreed to accept the revised Policy and be bound by it.


The major changes referred to in this Policy include but are not limited to:


Major changes in our service mode, such as the purpose of processing Info, the type of processed Info, and how Info is used;


Major changes in the right of control, such as change of the Info controller due to M&A;


Changes in the main objects of Info sharing, transfer or public disclosure;


Major changes in your right to participate in Info processing and the way in which you exercise it;


Changes in the department responsible for Info security or its contact information or the channels for filing complaints;


Major changes in response to high risks as indicated in the Info security assessment report.


If you do not agree to such changes, you may choose to stop using TradeAider App's services; by continuing to use TradeAider App's services, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the revised Policy We will also archive the old version of this Policy; if you need to consult the old version, please contact us via the above contact information.


We will put your satisfaction first when making any changes. Finally, we encourage you to consult our Privacy Policy each time you use this app's services.


Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at


Effective Date: Aug 22, 2022

Last Updated: Aug 22, 2022


Copyright belongs to Zhejiang ShiningHub Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
